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The Hope of Nigeria!
Will my children be safe?
Will I ever get a Job??
Will I see food to eat???
Will I find the woman/man of my dreams????
Will I have Children?????

Worry in itself is fairly normal (research shows that nearly everyone worries and around 40% of people worry at least once a day).
For the majority of people, the worry is fleeting and does not affect everyday life(this is what I mean by worry being fairly normal)

However, if you find yourself worrying abnormal worry... By this I mean worrying about regular things (eg relationships, finances, family members, Nigerian problem, world events)
the worry tends to consist of negative thoughts which spiral out of control.

If you live with an almost constant feeling of unease or dread, sometimes without being able to pinpoint the specific worry or concern at the center of it.!!!!!!
If the worry makes it impossible for you to live a normal life; and stopping the flow of this worrying thoughts can be an impossible task and efforts to do so invariably make things worse.
You need to GET HELP FAST!!!!!!!!

I can't shout it enough. Your mental health is very important. When you take care of yourself, you will be better able to take care of anyone else.

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